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Pursuing a Commercial Driving Career? Learn About the DOT Physical

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If you are interested in gaining your commercial driver’s license, there are plenty of benefits to this career path. You get to travel, have independence, and have good pay for an entry-level position. However, while there are many pros to this job, one downside is the physical toll that driving can take on your body. The Mayo Clinic says that sitting for long periods of time can increase the risks of weight gain, high cholesterol levels, and high blood pressure.…

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When You Should See A Chiropractor

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If you have a back ache, then you know you should either beg your significant other for a massage or schedule one with a professional. However, in addition to getting a back massage, you may also need to see a chiropractor. A professional chiropractor will make adjustments in your back to help correct issues like a misaligned spine or vertebrae. Additionally, when you go in to see a professional chiropractor, they will also usually take some x-rays of your back to really get a closer look at exactly what is happening medically.…

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Advantages Of Finding An Acupuncturist Who Can Make House Visits

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Acupuncture treatments can help you with a wide range of ailments, from relieving the nausea associated with chemotherapy to helping you quit smoking. When you’re looking for an acupuncture practitioner to treat you, it’s worthwhile to find one who can make house visits. While these practitioners commonly work in health clinics, there are many who can also visit you in your home — perhaps for a small additional fee. Here are some advantages of finding an acupuncturist who can make house visits.…

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How A Chiropractor Can Help Your Pain After An Auto Accident

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An auto accident can leave you with pain in your neck, back, or other parts of your body even if you don’t have broken bones or deep cuts. The sudden jarring of your spine and muscles can cause misalignment, swelling, and strain that takes a long time to heal. Getting help from a chiropractor, like those at ChiroTime Clinics, soon after the accident might speed your healing and help you avoid issues with chronic pain.…

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3 Unusual Causes Of Upper Back Pain

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If you have ever experienced upper back pain, you may have chalked it up to a muscle strain, sleeping in an uncomfortable position, or poor posture. While these are the most common causes of upper back pain, there may be other, less common causes for your discomfort. Here are three unusual causes for upper back pain and what you can do about them: 1. Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease People who have been diagnosed with gastroesophageal reflux disease, or GERD, often experience heartburn, stomach pain, sore throat, dry cough, and even a stuffy nose.…

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5 Tips For Treating Headaches

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One of the more challenging things to deal with is having a headache. This can turn any ordinary day to one that may be hard to endure. The good news is there are numerous things you can do that may alleviate this condition. Knowing what some of these could be the key to getting through the day. Tip #1: Relax The stresses of life may have you experiencing a great deal of tension.…

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Can't Ease Your Back Pain? Change The Way You Position Your Body At Night

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If you wake up with excruciating back pain every morning or after naps, you might blame it on your mattress. Although some mattresses can be very uncomfortable to lie on, your pain may actually come from the way you position your body during the night. Here are tips to relieve your back pain at night, and what you can do, if they don’t solve your back pain. How Should You Position Your Body?…

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